
International Resistive Co Inc

At AERI, we make it our mission to keep your production lines moving. As a top International Resistive Co Inc independent stocking distributor we have access to many products that typically have long lead times or are no longer in production. When you submit a part search, we will scan our extensive catalog of International Resistive Co Inc components and provide you with a swift, accurate response detailing that part's price and availability. The Search Experts at AERI will strive to promptly provide efficient solutions to your most difficult requirements.

International Resistive Company (IRC) is a global leader in resistor technology, specifically in the range of current sense resistors, precision discrete and networks, integrated passive components and specialized power resistors. With their broad product range, IRC products provide solutions for an array of automotive, computer, telecommunications, military, aerospace, industrial and medical applications. Offering reliable and precision resistors, IRC components are favored by clients whose projects are required to meet the most exacting standards. Although

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Name: International Resistive Co Inc

Parts in System: 6261

International Resistive Co Inc Parts

Showing 6201 - 6225 out of 6261 parts